The CIRCLE STUDIO represents a physical dimension of circulating work energy. Through abstraction embedded in design, it traces the connection in the line form-color-human being. This interaction creates an emotion that manifests as an archetype – a universal symbol or idea carrying profound meaning.

Raycho Stanev, Contemporary Art, Multimedia, Cinematography, BulgariaRaycho Stanev, Contemporary Art, Multimedia, Cinematography, BulgariaRaycho Stanev, Contemporary Art, Multimedia, Cinematography, Bulgaria
Raycho Stanev, Contemporary Art, Multimedia, Cinematography, BulgariaRaycho Stanev, Contemporary Art, Multimedia, Cinematography, BulgariaRaycho Stanev, Contemporary Art, Multimedia, Cinematography, Bulgaria

info аt e-rayo dot net

© raycho stanev, ux design